Not least Mummy's Birthday was yesterday, so we've had a busy (but fun) few days :)
Happy 18th Birthday Mummy! :P
We've been visiting lots of people and had lots of people to see us, and we love a party, because parties mean party food and because no one can resist us, so we always get lots of it too!
Now, some quick news bulletin style updates;
We're moving again! In the next 2 months probably, so it's busy busy busy in our house right now, lots of phone calls, packing and decision making!
Mummy mentioned a while back that 3 may become 4, with the arrival of a KC smooth coat little girl, well the mummy doggie is pregnant, she's around 3 weeks now :) So not too long and we'll have more info hopefully!
And on that note, Miss Rafferty has a "date" next Wednesday, with Mr Sugar *wolf whistle*.
We'll be sure to update about how that goes, and we'll post special "Mummy To Be" updates (with plenty of pics) if all goes as planned ;)
We've been thinking of adding a "Daddy's Corner" to "AHWTH", opinions anyone?
That's all for now, we'll update soon, hopefully when we're in less of a rush! :P
Love & licks, Rio, Buffy, Rafferty & Monroe.

P.s We decided on "Mion Solas*" for Raffertys pedigree name :) Thanks to everyone who voted on here and on facebook!
*Tiny Light in Gaelic!
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