Welcome to "At home with the Hiltons!" a blog to keep you up to speed on the daily lives of our 5 chihuahuas;
Buffy Prada, Rafferty Yves, Monroe Versace, Lily Armani & Lola Dior!


Hilton Spa Day :)

It''s been another busy week, feels like most of it was devoted to grooming (read as; pampering) the girls though...

They were all bathed and brushed, had their coat conditioner on, had their eyes cleaned, nails cut, feet/pads/ears/etc trimmed and teeth cleaned! Phew!

They're looking all the more lovely for it too :)

After brushing them (with the furminator, their normal brush is for detangling really) we took this picture;

L-R; Lily, Monroe, Rafferty and Buffy.

It constantly surprises me how much comes off them when they're shedding!
(Keep in mind they're brushed weekly with the furminator)

It was a week yesterday since Lily's second jab, so she can officially be walked now! About time too, it's taken forever to get it all sorted >.<
We'll take her for a stroll later and try and get some nice pictures of her first walkies :) 
If we manage it then we'll post them later/tomorrow ^^

That's all the 'news' we have really, so seeing as it feels like it's been ages since we posted a nice picture of Rafferty, we'll do so and leave you with that!

Au revoir!
Love & licks as ever,
Rio, Jonny, Buffy, Rafferty, Monroe and Lily.

P.S We hit over 1,000 unique views on here the other day, so thank you to anyone/everyone who takes a sneak peak into the goings on in the Hilton Hotel for Chihuahuas ;)

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