Welcome to "At home with the Hiltons!" a blog to keep you up to speed on the daily lives of our 5 chihuahuas;
Buffy Prada, Rafferty Yves, Monroe Versace, Lily Armani & Lola Dior!


'Tis the season to be jolly...

Indeed it is the season to be jolly! It's also the season to be safe and although Christmas brings a lot of cheer, it can also bring a host of doggy dangers... It's not all bad, you can take the following simple steps to ensure your Christmas is a happy one!

1. Out comes the tree, up go the lights, yum goes your pup! Be aware that dogs, young and old, will find these shiny, twinkly ornaments are fascinating as you do. They'll show their appreciation with their teeth though, so it's wise to never leave your dog alone with your tree. It's worth avoiding real trees too - the needles will hurt gums and paws alike and never, ever hang chocolate decorations anywhere your dog goes.

2. Lighting candles creates a lovely cosy atmosphere, but that atmosphere won't extend to the vets office if your pup gets burnt! Make sure candles are high up and on a sturdy base.

3. At Christmas food plays a huge role, look out for stray bones and any fruits/vegetables that aren't dog safe. You can find a pretty comprehensive list here, but if in doubt always check with your vet.

4. Unwrapping presents is the highlight of the day for many, including your dog. Indulging in their game is fine and we certainly let them open their gifts, just be sure to take away all the pieces of paper as soon as it's open - they should want their new toy/treat anyway! :)

5. Another decoration to keep an eye on are those festive plants we bring in around this time of year, I'm looking at you Mistletoe! While there are some myths, many plants are still very dangerous to dogs, so getting clued up is wise. You can check here to learn more.

6. Mulled wine. Or any 'adult beverage' as it happens is definitely not Fido friendly! If you want your dog to have a bit of extra Christmas 'cheer' then a nip of the doggy safe good stuff will do ;)

7. Christmas is a time for family and like us, you may get your share of visitors. Be sure to educate them about what is and is not okay for your dog to have. Ignorance is bliss until it makes the family dog sick, so being clued up is key.

8. If you're the ones doing the visiting this year, then don't forget that where your pup usually stays while you're out may no longer be suitable! The kitchen will have a bounty of forbidden foods and your living room a toy the size of a tree! (Okay, it is your tree, but your dog won't know that). Crates can play a huge role in keeping your pet safe while you're out.

9. A lot of doggy stockings have the right idea, but sometimes the wrong products. Rawhide is practically a staple in these common gifts, but it's not always as innocent as it seems... The lowdown on rawhide!

10. Last but not least, don't forget that while your dog wants to be involved, sometimes putting them in their crate is for the best. During the cooking a dog running under your feet could be a disaster, so let them take a break from the action.

Christmas is about having fun with all your family, furry ones included, so be sure to fit in lots of fun stuff for your pup too. Supervised present unwrapping, a family walk in the snow and their own dog friendly dinner will give your dog a day to remember :) Even the countdown to Christmas can be fun with a doggy advent calender!

We hope you have a very 'Merry Christmas' and come back soon,

Love & licks,
Rio, Jonny, Buffy, Rafferty, Monroe, Lily and Lola.

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