Welcome to "At home with the Hiltons!" a blog to keep you up to speed on the daily lives of our 5 chihuahuas;
Buffy Prada, Rafferty Yves, Monroe Versace, Lily Armani & Lola Dior!


General Update.

It's been a while since we posted, so time for a quick update!

Not too much has happened, Lily and Alfie have both started losing their teeth, we think Lily's pretty much done losing hers now.

Buffy, Rafferty and Monroe are all doing well and trundling along, being spoilt as ever.
I had to order them some more food the other day, so naturally the got another toy, just a little vanilla flavoured rubber ball that you can stuff with kibble/paste etc.
I shall have to try and get a picture of it :)

Lily might be getting a change of (middle) name, from 'Armani' to 'Laurent*'... as we may need to use Armani elsewhere...which leads us to the biggest news we have, we may be adding to the Hilton clan once again, although we're sticking to the Hilton chihuahua format for sure!

We'll know more by the weekend (maybe a lot more ;D) so we'll post Saturday/Sunday ^^

That's it for now, so we'll leave you to digest that! Toodles!
Love & licks,
Rio, Jonny, Buffy, Rafferty, Monroe & Lily.

*Rafferty's middle name is 'Yves' as in, Yves St Laurent, so we thought 'Laurent' would be cute :) Thoughts on this? Hmm.


A Dachshund Day!

"It was mamma's birthday yesterday, so she came to visit us and get all her presents. When she came, she bought great mamma with her and 2 of her fur kids! It was lovely to see her and great mamma, but by far the best bit was playing with our new best friends, Bug and Sammy!"
- Buffy, Rafferty, Monroe & Lily.

 This is Bug, she's a standard dachshund!

 And this is Sammy, she's a mini dachshund!

The girls enjoyed playing with Sammy and Bug, even if Bug especially was a little bigger than them ;)

 Lily and Bug.
 Bug and a slighty unsure Monroe.
 Buffy and Lily with their 'gambling' tower.
 Bug and Monroe.
 Lily and Buffy.

After all the playing, cuddling and treat eating, everyone was tired out!

 Even Bug!


Order up!

A few days ago we were all bored and had a few spare pennies, so we decided to add to the girls ever expanding toy collection!
(Which is now standing at 34 toys!)
(The rainbow ring arrived as you may remember and the pink rope sheep was resurrected!)

So this time round, we got them the Kong Wubba fox, a rope scruffer toy, a Hartz dental ring and a small Choo Chum chocolate flavour chewy ring...
Then, the crowning jewel of our shop, we fiiinally ordered the Trixie Gambling Tower! :D

I think we're more excited than they are...

Here's what we got in pictures anyway;

We'll have to upload some pictures of them enjoying their new toys in our next post :)

Back soon!
Love & licks,
Rio, Jonny, Buffy, Rafferty, Monroe & Lily.