Welcome to "At home with the Hiltons!" a blog to keep you up to speed on the daily lives of our 5 chihuahuas;
Buffy Prada, Rafferty Yves, Monroe Versace, Lily Armani & Lola Dior!


Filtered/Bottled Water vs Tap Water

This may seem an odd subject for a dog blog but I promise you it is totally relevant, just bare with me :P

Most people who know me, know how much I try to 'spoil' my dogs as much as I can...
(I don't really see it as spoiling them, just looking after them as well as possible!)

Well the other day I was browsing the web, thinking about what else I can do for them and I thought, they have good toys, nutritious treats, nice clothes, appropriate health care and great food and as I thought about it I realised they were missing a healthy drink. Apart from for a very rare treat my girls don't get cow milk, they can't digest it properly, so day in day out they drink plain old tap water. After a little research* I decided tap water isn't as good for them as I'd like and as it seems odd to me to give them the best food then any old water, I decided to take a look at my options...

1.  Bottled water for dogs. Great if you have the time and money to spare, but can be super inconvenient waiting for it to be delivered and possibly running out at times, plus most people (including myself) would rather put the money into other things for their beloved babies.

2. Buy normal bottled water from the supermarket. Okay so it's cheaper and a little easier to get hold of, but unless you buy bulk amounts it's still a touch inconvenient if you do run out and we personally don't have the fridge space to spare for a bulk crate of water.

Here in comes our third option;

3. A Brita Water Filter. Clean filtered water, as good as the bottled variety, cheaper and more easily accessible.  Takes up next to no space and if you run out, simply refill and 2 minutes later, voilĂ ! fresh water!

It seemed pretty obvious to us which was our best option**, but moving onto filtered/bottled water is a personal choice and what suits us may not suit you :)

Putting your dogs onto filtered water is a priceless investment into their future health, but lets be honest, something described as 'priceless' does have a cost, well, at least with the selection of options, the price is up to you!

It may take a day or 2 for your furbaby to adjust to their new water if you make the change, as it would you, we drink the filtered water as well and it does have a different taste, by no means unpleasant, 'clean' I suppose lol! After a few days our girls are now more than happy with it :)

If you decide to make the switch to filtered/bottled water and are worried about transporting it, here's a useful product that we love; The Water Rover.

Filtered/bottled doggie water may not be for you and your pooch, so whatever you decide we hope your darlings are well,
Love & licks,
Rio, Jonny, Buffy, Rafferty, Monroe, Lily and Lola.

*That is just 1 article out of probably hundreds or even thousands, it's not all encompassing but it's clear, pretty concise and one of the least controversial and unbiased I found :)

**We have the Brita Fjord

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