Welcome to "At home with the Hiltons!" a blog to keep you up to speed on the daily lives of our 5 chihuahuas;
Buffy Prada, Rafferty Yves, Monroe Versace, Lily Armani & Lola Dior!


News, updates and pictures of Alfie too!

How rude Rafferty! 
 Just kidding, she was asking for a lick of some nummy food no doubt! ;D

We've been neglecting our posting a little the past few days, had some things on with Lily finally getting her 2nd jab, Rafferty getting her booster shot, sorting for Monroe and Lily to get micro chipped in a week or 2 plus seeing people and all the usual!

The rainbow rubber ring finally came! Aaaand none of them like it -.-
Not even Buffy... Typical we know. 
They're all in love with Mr. Octopus, the headless kong zebra, and their various rope tug toys right now, but we'll see in a few weeks when we're planning to order some more things!

Also, there's been talk of another addition after it didn't work out with Rae, this time we will be sticking by our breed, our girls just don't handle bigger pups! 
It's a shame, but they have to come first and we love our 4 Hilton chi's :)
We'll do a blog post once we know more, all we can really say is we are looking at one but she's only about 10 days old now, so our details are limited, one thing we can say is she'll be Monroe and Lily's half sister (Sugar is their daddy)... 
But we'll post more about her as time goes by!

We snatched a few pics of Alfie as promised, he (and ofc Lily) are coming up 5 months old now! 
We can hardly believe how time has flown...

Incredible how much he's changed, we still think he's a cutie, although we might be a little bit biased ;)

That's all for now blogspot-ees,
We'll be back soon!

Love & licks as ever,
Rio, Jonny, Buffy, Rafferty, Monroe and Lily.

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