So when I stumbled across The Organic Pet I must admit I did get rather excited!
I don't tend to give my girls treats too often, they wouldn't be treats if I did but when I do I try to keep them natural and organic. We've tried other treats in the past but they never went down amazingly well, some obviously weren't too tasty and some stank the house out!
We're always up for trying new things though, so we went ahead and placed and order on The Organic Pet's UK website.
(They sell their products at a really amazing price and no, the usual e-tailers can't beat it!)
The Organic Pet company stand by their name and keep every ingredient organic and as nature intended, they don't use any wheat gluten, soy or dairy in their treats and avoid all additives and preservatives. The don't use any added salt or sugar. They explain it all on their nutrition page.
T.O.P have 3 sizes of treats; minis, bites and jumbo. They also do some pretty cool selection boxes. The selection boxes would make a great doggy gift! -hint hint- ;)
We opted to try out all their flavours, 5 in the minis form and 1 in the bitesize.
(Click to enlarge.)
L-R Banana, Carrot & Apple, Cinnamon & Honey, Mint & Herbs and Sun Dried Tomato, Spinach & Herbs.

Banana and Peanut butter.
Don't the flavours sound delish? The human Hiltons might have to have a sneaky nibble too, just to test them of course ;)
So onto what we thought!
Well, firstly their website is great, it looks good, has great service and prices, we cannot fault them as a brand at all. When the treats arrive, they're beautifully packaged in good quality materials, they're actually nice to look at, the cover bodes well for the book! (Never judge a book by its cover, except for here, here you can.)
The treats themselves are a good size and they smell amazing. We tried the girls with all the flavours and they went down swimmingly, with the Cinnamon & Honey being the favourite so far.
With the quality ingredients and the fact that the girls really seem to enjoy them I can see these treats being in our cupboards for good!
Oh and did we mention how much we love their motto!?!
Says it all really doesn't it?
Bon Appétit!
Love & licks,
Rio, Jonny, Buffy, Rafferty, Monroe, Lily and Lola.xo
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