The festive season runs really from late October, with Halloween, through to New Years Eve/Day, with Bonfire Night, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day all happening along the way. (Plus any other country specific events, like Thanksgiving.)
The point is, there's a lot of celebration this time of year and to try and help you and your darling dog(s) we've been posting tips on how to keep them safe and happy. (You can see our Halloween/Bonfire Night, Christmas and Snow specific posts by clicking the titles, with Halloween/Bonfire Night being mainly about fireworks, the Christmas post covers decorations and a little on food and the Snow post is pretty self explanatory!) Now the clock is ticking down to the New Year (get it? clock?) we wanted to make sure your pups 2012 starts with a bang - and not a bang that causes them utter terror! So this is our New Years Eve safety advice, we hope it helps!
Now, we covered most bases in our other tips posts but there are a few problems that could come up with New Years that we thought it would be helpful to write about!
The main issues with New Years Eve, from a dogs point of view, are all the extra noise - fireworks, music, rambunctious party guests and if you do have a party/group of friends over, all the extra people - feet to stand on them, doors being left open, extra mess with food/drink being spilt etc.
Lets start with the noise. We covered fireworks pretty thoroughly in the Halloween/Bonfire Night post, so I shan't repeat myself, I'll just advise that you check it out! As far as loud music and guests, if you're having that kind of party it might be wise to have a friend or family member take care of your dog(s) or even look into an overnight kennel stay. (I'd advise family over kennels, if you know someone up to the job, as some dogs can find kennels quite unpleasant.) Although they'll be away from you, both options should be less stressful and a lot safer than them running around your party!
As far as your guests go, if you do keep Fido or Fluffy at home, try to educate yourself and your friends. If your party might get a little 'wild', consider turning one of your bedrooms into a doggy den. To set up a den room you'll need a comfy bed, perhaps a hidey hole tent or snuggly blanket, a very sturdy toy (you don't want any pieces swallowed), fresh food and water, plus newspaper or pee pads. Make sure you don't leave anything chewable, breakable, sharp, poisonous in the room. It's worth not leaving anything electronic in the room, apart from the ceiling light of course lol and please check on your pup regularly! No one likes to be forgotten. Where possible let them out to pee and it's probably wise to walk them before your party.
It might seem 'harsh' to 'shut your dog away', but the alternatives are so much worse. They could be let out accidentally by people arriving/leaving, by someone going outside for a cigarette etc. A well meaning but clueless tipsy guest could feed them inappropriate (and possibly dangerous) snacks or find it funny to 'get the dog drunk'. The wrong food or drink, especially alcohol, can be literally life or death for a dog, so please don't risk it. A friend could be strutting his/her stuff on the dance floor and stand on your poor pooches paw. We all know how much that hurts, don't put your dog in that situation. There's also the simple fact that your dog may just get overwhelmed by a large group, so be kind to your dog and let them stay with family, a kennel or if all else fails, build them a doggy den and let them relax.
As I mentioned in my Halloween/Bonfire Night post it's always wise to know when your dog has reached its limits and be prepared to call in the professionals - your vet can administer sedatives and offer you a lot of great advice. It's a good idea to check your vets emergency/out of hours services covering the New Years period, just in case.
So with all that in mind, be safe and we hope you and your dog(s) have a very Happy (and healthy) New Year, see you in 2012!
Love & licks,
Rio, Jonny, Buffy, Rafferty, Monroe, Lily and Lola.
New Years Eve Safety (Tips)
Posted by
Rio Chanel Hilton.
4:44:00 pm
new year,
new years,
new years day,
new years eve

Christmas Day/Boxing Day catch up!
It's been busy busy busy here the past few days, so we thought a little catch up was in order! Everyone had a great day and it seems the girls were good this year because Santa Paws dropped in to give them their presents...
We did the usual, presents, big dinner, family visits and we all had a fab time and were totally spoilt. The girls got some lovely gifts! They had an Oscar Newman 'My Agility Set' and a Puppia harness each from myself and Jonny, then they had a cute toy set and 2 bags of treats from my Dad and Step Mum Angie! (The treats were from my step siblings and Alfie apparently haha).
(We'll get pictures of their gifts up as soon as we have time! Christmas takes a while to recover from lol!)
Yesterday (Boxing Day) we had my Mamma and Ray (Step Granddad) over, so the girls got a ton of attention, which suited them perfectly! It was the first time my Mamma had actually met Lola, she was quite taken with her, although she has a soft spot for Lily :)
All in all it's been a lovely festive few days, although we're wiped out from all the hustle and bustle! We'll drop in very quickly tomorrow (hopefully) to post those pictures of the girls modelling their Style My Pooch prizes, as promised. After that we have a few reviews to do and New Years safety tips, so check back soon!
We hope you had a wonderful Christmas and got everything you wished for :)
(Gotta love my dad for dressing up for us! Bless him haha)
We did the usual, presents, big dinner, family visits and we all had a fab time and were totally spoilt. The girls got some lovely gifts! They had an Oscar Newman 'My Agility Set' and a Puppia harness each from myself and Jonny, then they had a cute toy set and 2 bags of treats from my Dad and Step Mum Angie! (The treats were from my step siblings and Alfie apparently haha).
(We'll get pictures of their gifts up as soon as we have time! Christmas takes a while to recover from lol!)
Yesterday (Boxing Day) we had my Mamma and Ray (Step Granddad) over, so the girls got a ton of attention, which suited them perfectly! It was the first time my Mamma had actually met Lola, she was quite taken with her, although she has a soft spot for Lily :)
All in all it's been a lovely festive few days, although we're wiped out from all the hustle and bustle! We'll drop in very quickly tomorrow (hopefully) to post those pictures of the girls modelling their Style My Pooch prizes, as promised. After that we have a few reviews to do and New Years safety tips, so check back soon!
We hope you had a wonderful Christmas and got everything you wished for :)
Love and licks,
Rio, Jonny, Buffy, Rafferty, Monroe, Lily and Lola.
Posted by
Rio Chanel Hilton.
1:24:00 pm
boxing day,
santa paws,

Christmas Eve!
Christmas is almost upon us and the fun has started early here at the Hilton household, with all the girls showing off their Christmas costumes!
Buffy in her jumper!
Rafferty as 'Mrs. Clause'.
Monroe as an elf :)
Lily (also) as an elf!
(She really wasn't into having her picture taken today lol!)
Lola as a Christmas tree :D
(Sneaky Lily peaking from her Lola's right ear!)
You may have noticed 2 things about our pictures...
1) We have 2 elves. Unfortunately I neglected my duties and never realised that Lola didn't have her own costume, so everyone had to trade round and luckily we had a spare elf costume that nobody usually wears, so it worked out in the end! Next year we'll be buying some new costumes though, so things should be simpler Christmas 2012!
2) We have a severe lack of presents under our tree! That would be because Lola is an absolute monkey and has developed a fetish for wrapping paper/boxes. She actually ruined one of my dad's presents, before we'd even wrapped it...
She did that in literally 2 minutes! We only left the room to hunt down the sellotape so we could wrap it :( Naughty Lola!
Our presents have, for this Christmas at least, been relegated to the relative safety of the coffee table...
Other than that adjustment all is as planned and we're very excited for 'Santa Paws' visiting! My dad and step mum are visiting tonight to drop our presents off and collect their gifts, so tomorrow at some point, when we have a spare minute, we'll drop in and post about what the girls got this year :)
Until then, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Love and licks,
Rio, Jonny, Buffy, Rafferty, Monroe, Lily and Lola.
Posted by
Rio Chanel Hilton.
4:26:00 pm
christmas eve,
christmas gift,
christmas tree,
mrs clause,

Style My Pooch Prizes :)
Yesterday we posted about winning the Style My Pooch competition and today our prizes arrived... Super speedy delivery eh! :) We're thrilled with all 5 pieces, they're so adorable!
Everything came wrapped up in some lovely gold tissue paper...
2 of which had a lovely Chihuahua on! How appropriate?! ;)
Everything came wrapped up in some lovely gold tissue paper...
Buffys dress!
I fell in love with this the moment I saw it on SMP's website and it seems I'm not the only one who adores it, Buffy fell in love the moment I unwrapped it! It's stunning in person, the fur trim is wonderfully soft, the body sits so beautifully and the little ruffled skirt part falls perfectly. So in love with this!
Raffertys cow hoodie!
This is almost an inside joke, as we call Rafferty 'Gibby Cow' sometimes (a reference to her pregnancy), so we just had to have this for her! Although Raff isn't one for clothes, this hoodie is so soft and cosy even she couldn't complain. You can't see too well here but there are little silver sparkles in the furry trim on the hood - precious!
The 3 adorable t shirts!
(1. Monroe. 2. Lola. 3. Lily.)
Ahh I love these even more in person than thought I would! The blue t shirt is still my favourite and looks amazing with Monroe's colouring. The red-ish t shirt is a beautiful colour, it's not quite red, not quite shocking pink and Lola works it ;) The lime green is almost neon and has a fab retro/80's/pop art party vibe, it looks so cute on Lily!
Also in the package were 3 cards for SMP...
2 of which had a lovely Chihuahua on! How appropriate?! ;)
Isn't everything super cute!?!
We absolutely adore every single piece and the girls look beautiful in their new clothes, so we want to say an absolutely massive 'thank you!' to Nicola, Tiny and everyone else at Style My Pooch :)
Sadly the light wasn't on our side this afternoon, but over the next few days we'll be sure to get some pictures up of the girls modelling everything! In the meantime if you see something here you like don't hesitate to order, the 20% discount we mentioned in our last post expires January 10th and we'd hate you to miss out!
Love and licks as ever,
Rio, Jonny, Buffy, Rafferty, Monroe, Lily and Lola.
Style My Pooch contact info:
Website -
Facebook - StyleMyPooch / Tiny
Twitter - @StyleMyPoochUK
Posted by
Rio Chanel Hilton.
5:15:00 pm
style my pooch,

Style OUR Pooch(es)!
As you may know we're on twitter (@riochanelhilton) and we follow a few great doggy sites/brands, one being @stylemypoochuk! Tiny (the adorable Yorkie and SMP model) and the Style My Pooch team decided to run a fabulous Christmas competition, with the grand prize being £100 worth of their lovely clothes!
We decided to enter and thank our lucky stars we did, because we won!
(Which caused me to dance around my kitchen a little)...
We chose 5 items, a pink gingham dress for Buffy, a black and white cow print hoodie for Rafferty and 3 fabulously cute t shirts (1,2,3) to go between Monroe, Lily and Lola! (I think t shirt 2 is my favourite of the 3). We're all so excited for everything to arrive, I know the girls will love their super special Christmas presents, Buffy especially will enjoy her new 'princess dress' :)
We want to say an extra big 'thank you' to everyone at Style My Pooch and we advise anyone looking for cute clothes to check out their website, blog, twitter account or facebook page!
We'd suggest you to get your orders in quickly too, because Style My Pooch are certainly in the festive spirit, as we're not the only ones getting an extra pressie or 2... To say thank you to everyone who entered the competition they've very kindly arranged a 20% discount on all orders, plus free shipping! Just enter 'STYLISHCHRISTMAS' at the checkout to get your discount ;)
Love and licks as ever,
(With extra licks to Tiny!)
Rio, Jonny, Buffy, Rafferty, Monroe, Lily and Lola.
P.S We'll be back soon, not least to show the girls modelling their beautiful new SMP clothes, so be sure to keep an eye out for our 'Style My Pooch Prizes' picture post!
We decided to enter and thank our lucky stars we did, because we won!
(Which caused me to dance around my kitchen a little)...
We chose 5 items, a pink gingham dress for Buffy, a black and white cow print hoodie for Rafferty and 3 fabulously cute t shirts (1,2,3) to go between Monroe, Lily and Lola! (I think t shirt 2 is my favourite of the 3). We're all so excited for everything to arrive, I know the girls will love their super special Christmas presents, Buffy especially will enjoy her new 'princess dress' :)
We want to say an extra big 'thank you' to everyone at Style My Pooch and we advise anyone looking for cute clothes to check out their website, blog, twitter account or facebook page!
We'd suggest you to get your orders in quickly too, because Style My Pooch are certainly in the festive spirit, as we're not the only ones getting an extra pressie or 2... To say thank you to everyone who entered the competition they've very kindly arranged a 20% discount on all orders, plus free shipping! Just enter 'STYLISHCHRISTMAS' at the checkout to get your discount ;)
Love and licks as ever,
(With extra licks to Tiny!)
Rio, Jonny, Buffy, Rafferty, Monroe, Lily and Lola.
P.S We'll be back soon, not least to show the girls modelling their beautiful new SMP clothes, so be sure to keep an eye out for our 'Style My Pooch Prizes' picture post!
Posted by
Rio Chanel Hilton.
1:00:00 pm
dog clothes,
dog website,
style my pooch,
yorkshire terrier

Snow Joke!
With Christmas almost here and more than a nip in the air, the big freeze has certainly begun. A lot of places throughout England/Wales/Scotland/NI have been affected by the sudden snow already and I don't doubt there's more to come. With that in mind, I wanted to take few minutes out to make 5 essential points that I hope you'll keep in mind when the white stuff hits!
1. Many people enjoy taking their dogs for a walk and nothing beats an early morning ramble in a winter wonderland but be aware of the dangers that may lie in your path. Everything from sharp black or broken ice, to unforeseen dangers such as broken bottles concealed in the snow drifts, are all too common. Ice and broken bottles (etc) can cut paws and may lead to a trip to the vets. Fore warned is fore armed!
2. When the salt grit trucks are out in force, a route change may be for the best. If that's not possible, then you should be sure to wash your dogs paws thoroughly in warm soapy water after your walk. Salt grit will irritate pads and can upset tummies if ingested during a cleaning session. For your dogs comfort it's best to gently dry their paws after, no one likes cold feet! If your dogs paws do become sore, irritated or even cracked, there are several 'paw treatments' out there that will help soothe them. (Always consult your vet first!)
3. This is probably the most important piece of advice any dog owner/walker will ever receive... Stay away from frozen ponds/lakes. Even if it's 'not that deep'. Even if the ice 'seems thick'. Never ever risk it, because it could be your dogs life, and your own, that will be lost. Sadly this is something we hear about year after year and only today another dog and owner were lost to icy waters. If your route involves/comes close to any frozen water, a river, stream, lake or pond, please keep your dog on a lead and stay well away. The risk is simply too great.
4. I've mentioned sharp/broken/cracked ice being a problem, but even seemingly harmless smooth ice can be an issue for young puppies, golden oldies or otherwise fragile dogs. Avoid ice as much as possible, no doggy wants a sprained or broken leg for Christmas! Games of 'fetch' will be best played indoors or on soft snow :)
5. Finally, keep your doggies warm! They have their fur of course, (well, most do) but with bitter cold winds and possible snow on the ground, a nice thick coat will surely be appreciated, as will an extra blanket in their beds and a warm lap to lie on! (Few can deny the winter snuggles being a 'win' for both doggie and human).
The festive season is full of fun and being in the know is the best way to stay safe :) Between this post, our 'Christmas Safety' post and the upcoming New Years post, hopefully you'll be clued up and ready to enjoy the holidays with your whole family.
One last thing I feel I should mention, don't eat the yellow snow! ;)
Be safe and enjoy the festive season with your furries,
Love and licks,
Rio, Jonny, Buffy, Rafferty, Monroe, Lily and Lola.
P.S As an extra but important precaution, it's wise to check your vets opening times and out of hours service arrangements over the Christmas/New Year period. It's always best to avoid being caught out or put in a tricky situation. Be safe and be prepared.
Posted by
Rio Chanel Hilton.
4:11:00 pm

A Winter Warmer!
Our girls love nothing better than a good snuggle and at this time of year, when there's a nip in the air, they go into cuddle overdrive. Lola and Buffy are the biggest culprits by far, while Lily prefers to adopt Jonny's (daddy's) neck as her cuddle buddy!
(Click any picture to enlarge it)
Not all our snuggle pictures are new though, here's one from a few weeks ago, of Buffy and itty bitty baby Lola!
And a real blast from the past now, taken September/November time last year (2010), baby Lily and mummy Rafferty! (I love their matching muzzle/chin markings!)
Makes those chilly nights seem a little more bearable when you have a couple of cuties like these next to you on the sofa :)
That's all from us for now but we'll be back in a day or 2, we have a lot lined up including 3+ reviews, more picture posts, our Christmas list and much more!
Love & licks for now,
Rio, Jonny, Buffy, Rafferty, Monroe, Lily and Lola.
(Click any picture to enlarge it)
Buffy and Lola.
(Sorry for the poor quality of this first one, my phones camera isn't amazing in low light!)
Monroe and Lola.
Buffy and Lola, again...
Different angle :)
Buffy and... you guessed it, Lola... See a theme here? ;)
Buffy and Rafferty.
Another Buffy and Lola snuggle!
Lily and Daddy :)
Not all our snuggle pictures are new though, here's one from a few weeks ago, of Buffy and itty bitty baby Lola!
(Sorry again for the poor quality!)
And a real blast from the past now, taken September/November time last year (2010), baby Lily and mummy Rafferty! (I love their matching muzzle/chin markings!)
Makes those chilly nights seem a little more bearable when you have a couple of cuties like these next to you on the sofa :)
That's all from us for now but we'll be back in a day or 2, we have a lot lined up including 3+ reviews, more picture posts, our Christmas list and much more!
Love & licks for now,
Rio, Jonny, Buffy, Rafferty, Monroe, Lily and Lola.
Posted by
Rio Chanel Hilton.
10:53:00 am
picture post,

Pet of the Month (November) - Animology Competition!
A while ago we reviewed the wonderful Animology line and ever since we've been keeping an eye on their Facebook page and Twitter. A few weeks ago they came up with a fun new competition on FB - 'Pet of the Month'. We decided to test the waters and enter one of our favourite pictures of Lola (incidentally it was her 1st bath and we were using Puppy Love!).
We're delighted to say Lola was chosen as a winner and we got some fabulous prizes from the lovely people at Animology. (Thanks guys!)
The next competition (POTM December) has already started so be sure to head over to their FB page now and upload your pets picture to be in with your chance of winning! Good luck if you do decide to enter :)
We'll be back soon, we have quite a few posts lined up so be sure to check back with us!
Love & licks,
Rio, Jonny, Buffy, Rafferty, Monroe, Lily and Lola.
We're delighted to say Lola was chosen as a winner and we got some fabulous prizes from the lovely people at Animology. (Thanks guys!)
The next competition (POTM December) has already started so be sure to head over to their FB page now and upload your pets picture to be in with your chance of winning! Good luck if you do decide to enter :)
We'll be back soon, we have quite a few posts lined up so be sure to check back with us!
Love & licks,
Rio, Jonny, Buffy, Rafferty, Monroe, Lily and Lola.
Posted by
Rio Chanel Hilton.
3:48:00 pm

The Organic Pet - coming out T.O.P!
I've bought so much stuff for the girls over these past 3 years of having them that it takes quite a lot to get me truly excited when it comes to pet products. Most things seem to be re branded copies, ridiculous and useless, horrendously overpriced or poor quality, which isn't acceptable even if they're -just- for pets. (Just, ha.)
I don't tend to give my girls treats too often, they wouldn't be treats if I did but when I do I try to keep them natural and organic. We've tried other treats in the past but they never went down amazingly well, some obviously weren't too tasty and some stank the house out!
We're always up for trying new things though, so we went ahead and placed and order on The Organic Pet's UK website.
(They sell their products at a really amazing price and no, the usual e-tailers can't beat it!)
The Organic Pet company stand by their name and keep every ingredient organic and as nature intended, they don't use any wheat gluten, soy or dairy in their treats and avoid all additives and preservatives. The don't use any added salt or sugar. They explain it all on their nutrition page.
T.O.P have 3 sizes of treats; minis, bites and jumbo. They also do some pretty cool selection boxes. The selection boxes would make a great doggy gift! -hint hint- ;)
We opted to try out all their flavours, 5 in the minis form and 1 in the bitesize.
(Click to enlarge.)
Says it all really doesn't it?
Bon Appétit!
So when I stumbled across The Organic Pet I must admit I did get rather excited!
I don't tend to give my girls treats too often, they wouldn't be treats if I did but when I do I try to keep them natural and organic. We've tried other treats in the past but they never went down amazingly well, some obviously weren't too tasty and some stank the house out!
We're always up for trying new things though, so we went ahead and placed and order on The Organic Pet's UK website.
(They sell their products at a really amazing price and no, the usual e-tailers can't beat it!)
The Organic Pet company stand by their name and keep every ingredient organic and as nature intended, they don't use any wheat gluten, soy or dairy in their treats and avoid all additives and preservatives. The don't use any added salt or sugar. They explain it all on their nutrition page.
T.O.P have 3 sizes of treats; minis, bites and jumbo. They also do some pretty cool selection boxes. The selection boxes would make a great doggy gift! -hint hint- ;)
We opted to try out all their flavours, 5 in the minis form and 1 in the bitesize.
(Click to enlarge.)
L-R Banana, Carrot & Apple, Cinnamon & Honey, Mint & Herbs and Sun Dried Tomato, Spinach & Herbs.

Banana and Peanut butter.
Don't the flavours sound delish? The human Hiltons might have to have a sneaky nibble too, just to test them of course ;)
So onto what we thought!
Well, firstly their website is great, it looks good, has great service and prices, we cannot fault them as a brand at all. When the treats arrive, they're beautifully packaged in good quality materials, they're actually nice to look at, the cover bodes well for the book! (Never judge a book by its cover, except for here, here you can.)
The treats themselves are a good size and they smell amazing. We tried the girls with all the flavours and they went down swimmingly, with the Cinnamon & Honey being the favourite so far.
With the quality ingredients and the fact that the girls really seem to enjoy them I can see these treats being in our cupboards for good!
Oh and did we mention how much we love their motto!?!
Says it all really doesn't it?
Bon Appétit!
Love & licks,
Rio, Jonny, Buffy, Rafferty, Monroe, Lily and Lola.xo
Posted by
Rio Chanel Hilton.
1:30:00 pm
the organic pet,

'Tis the season to be jolly...
Indeed it is the season to be jolly! It's also the season to be safe and although Christmas brings a lot of cheer, it can also bring a host of doggy dangers... It's not all bad, you can take the following simple steps to ensure your Christmas is a happy one!
1. Out comes the tree, up go the lights, yum goes your pup! Be aware that dogs, young and old, will find these shiny, twinkly ornaments are fascinating as you do. They'll show their appreciation with their teeth though, so it's wise to never leave your dog alone with your tree. It's worth avoiding real trees too - the needles will hurt gums and paws alike and never, ever hang chocolate decorations anywhere your dog goes.
2. Lighting candles creates a lovely cosy atmosphere, but that atmosphere won't extend to the vets office if your pup gets burnt! Make sure candles are high up and on a sturdy base.
3. At Christmas food plays a huge role, look out for stray bones and any fruits/vegetables that aren't dog safe. You can find a pretty comprehensive list here, but if in doubt always check with your vet.
4. Unwrapping presents is the highlight of the day for many, including your dog. Indulging in their game is fine and we certainly let them open their gifts, just be sure to take away all the pieces of paper as soon as it's open - they should want their new toy/treat anyway! :)
5. Another decoration to keep an eye on are those festive plants we bring in around this time of year, I'm looking at you Mistletoe! While there are some myths, many plants are still very dangerous to dogs, so getting clued up is wise. You can check here to learn more.
6. Mulled wine. Or any 'adult beverage' as it happens is definitely not Fido friendly! If you want your dog to have a bit of extra Christmas 'cheer' then a nip of the doggy safe good stuff will do ;)
7. Christmas is a time for family and like us, you may get your share of visitors. Be sure to educate them about what is and is not okay for your dog to have. Ignorance is bliss until it makes the family dog sick, so being clued up is key.
8. If you're the ones doing the visiting this year, then don't forget that where your pup usually stays while you're out may no longer be suitable! The kitchen will have a bounty of forbidden foods and your living room a toy the size of a tree! (Okay, it is your tree, but your dog won't know that). Crates can play a huge role in keeping your pet safe while you're out.
9. A lot of doggy stockings have the right idea, but sometimes the wrong products. Rawhide is practically a staple in these common gifts, but it's not always as innocent as it seems... The lowdown on rawhide!
10. Last but not least, don't forget that while your dog wants to be involved, sometimes putting them in their crate is for the best. During the cooking a dog running under your feet could be a disaster, so let them take a break from the action.
Christmas is about having fun with all your family, furry ones included, so be sure to fit in lots of fun stuff for your pup too. Supervised present unwrapping, a family walk in the snow and their own dog friendly dinner will give your dog a day to remember :) Even the countdown to Christmas can be fun with a doggy advent calender!
We hope you have a very 'Merry Christmas' and come back soon,
1. Out comes the tree, up go the lights, yum goes your pup! Be aware that dogs, young and old, will find these shiny, twinkly ornaments are fascinating as you do. They'll show their appreciation with their teeth though, so it's wise to never leave your dog alone with your tree. It's worth avoiding real trees too - the needles will hurt gums and paws alike and never, ever hang chocolate decorations anywhere your dog goes.
2. Lighting candles creates a lovely cosy atmosphere, but that atmosphere won't extend to the vets office if your pup gets burnt! Make sure candles are high up and on a sturdy base.
3. At Christmas food plays a huge role, look out for stray bones and any fruits/vegetables that aren't dog safe. You can find a pretty comprehensive list here, but if in doubt always check with your vet.
4. Unwrapping presents is the highlight of the day for many, including your dog. Indulging in their game is fine and we certainly let them open their gifts, just be sure to take away all the pieces of paper as soon as it's open - they should want their new toy/treat anyway! :)
5. Another decoration to keep an eye on are those festive plants we bring in around this time of year, I'm looking at you Mistletoe! While there are some myths, many plants are still very dangerous to dogs, so getting clued up is wise. You can check here to learn more.
6. Mulled wine. Or any 'adult beverage' as it happens is definitely not Fido friendly! If you want your dog to have a bit of extra Christmas 'cheer' then a nip of the doggy safe good stuff will do ;)
7. Christmas is a time for family and like us, you may get your share of visitors. Be sure to educate them about what is and is not okay for your dog to have. Ignorance is bliss until it makes the family dog sick, so being clued up is key.
8. If you're the ones doing the visiting this year, then don't forget that where your pup usually stays while you're out may no longer be suitable! The kitchen will have a bounty of forbidden foods and your living room a toy the size of a tree! (Okay, it is your tree, but your dog won't know that). Crates can play a huge role in keeping your pet safe while you're out.
9. A lot of doggy stockings have the right idea, but sometimes the wrong products. Rawhide is practically a staple in these common gifts, but it's not always as innocent as it seems... The lowdown on rawhide!
10. Last but not least, don't forget that while your dog wants to be involved, sometimes putting them in their crate is for the best. During the cooking a dog running under your feet could be a disaster, so let them take a break from the action.
Christmas is about having fun with all your family, furry ones included, so be sure to fit in lots of fun stuff for your pup too. Supervised present unwrapping, a family walk in the snow and their own dog friendly dinner will give your dog a day to remember :) Even the countdown to Christmas can be fun with a doggy advent calender!
We hope you have a very 'Merry Christmas' and come back soon,
Love & licks,
Rio, Jonny, Buffy, Rafferty, Monroe, Lily and Lola.xo
Posted by
Rio Chanel Hilton.
8:00:00 am
holiday season,

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